Oh SnApp! – A Must-Have App for Parents!
We know you loved it, and Oh SnApp is back for the new year! Today it’s all about helping to make parents’ lives easier.Read More →
We know you loved it, and Oh SnApp is back for the new year! Today it’s all about helping to make parents’ lives easier.Read More →
Whether you’re almost finished with your holiday gift list or you haven’t even started yet, there’s still plenty of time to get some shopping done. And if you happen to be stuck on what to buy, think tech!Read More →
As someone who wore glasses most of her life, I can really appreciate the idea behind this app. And I had heard about exercises and training that you could do to try to strengthen your eyes and improve your vision. I ended up having laser eye surgery, but if you’re still looking for a way to get rid of your glasses, this may help.Read More →
Getting motivated to start a fitness program can be (very!) challenging, and it’s something that doesn’t necessarily get easier as you go along.Read More →
It would seem these days that apps make the world go ’round, especially with the tween and teen population. And I’ll admit that I do love the convenience of some of my apps and the distraction of others. What I won’t admit to doing however, is paying for them.Read More →
Although I can cook, I don’t tend to do much of it on a regular basis. Love the idea but hate the cleanup, so most of the time I take the path of least resistance (i.e., Stouffer’s red box entrees & my microwave). However, my enthusiasm always jumps a couple of notches when I have a new gadget to use that just might make the whole process easier.Read More →